Supported Editions
Enterprise Edition
Unlimited Edition
Performance Edition
Professional Edition with Web Services API add-on
Unsupported Editions
You will see John Travolta when signing in with an unsupported edition, and may receive the error "Invalid_credentials"
Group Edition
Essentials Edition
Professional Edition without Web Services API add-on
Developer Edition
Sandbox Instances (please reach out to [email protected], as there are times when customers can have access to a sandbox instance)
Does my Salesforce account need API access?
Does my Salesforce account need API access?
Yes. In order to utilize Scratchpad, a Salesforce account must have API access enabled. If you have a supported edition and have confirmed with your Salesforce administrator that API access is enabled, but still are unable to access Scratchpad, please reach out to us via [email protected].
Do you integrate with other CRMs, like Hubspot, for example?
Do you integrate with other CRMs, like Hubspot, for example?
Not at the moment. Scratchpad is currently built to use with Salesforce