Make sure you get credit for the work you do! Don't have calls with prospects and customers that don't end up in SFDC. You want to ensure data hygiene and accurate activity history on your records. We've got your back.
Logging Events via Command
Enable Scratchpad Command in your settings
While on the web page of your choice (i.e. LinkedIn, Google, etc), press 'CMD + J' on your keyboard ('CTRL + J' if you're using a PC)
Select the "Create New Event" option from the dropdown menu
Fill out needed fields
If you need additional fields, pull them in through the gear icon in the top right-hand corner.
CREATE EVENT and you're all set!
Logging Events in Expanded View
While in the Expanded View of the desired record, click on the "New Event" tile.
To pin this tile at the top of your view, Click ALL, click on the pin next to NEW EVENT.
Fill out the necessary tiles with the most important information.
If you need additional fields, pull them in through the gear icon in the top right-hand corner.
Hit "Create Event" and you're done!